2017 | Dresden, 21th Sommerakademie riesa efau, lecturers exhibition |
2017 | Jászberény, 27th „Art Camp“, Symposium, drawings |
2016 | St. Petersburg (RU), Repin Institut, „Corpus“, anatomical drawings |
2016 | Jászberény (HU), 26th „Art Camp“, Symposium „Lehetö Lehetetlen“, drawings |
2015 | Paks (HU), Gruppe BLOCK, „Erinnerung des Körpers“, installation |
2012 | Budapest (HU), MMG Galerie, „Erdöszölö müvésztelep“, acrylic works |
2011 | Csikszereda (RO), Free Camp, painting on paper |
2011 | St. Petersburg (RU), Sonderausstellung Dresdener Künstler, drawing, object |
2011 | Zalaegerszeg (HU), XX.GébArt, „szinek- helyszinek“, painting |
2011 | Budapest (HU), MMG Gallery, „Erdöszölö müvésztelep“, drawings |
2010 | Dresden, Neuer Sächsischer Kunstverein e.V. „Triebkräfte“, painting, room installation |
2010 | Dresden, Kulturverein „riesa efau“, "Von Fahnen, Farbbeuteln und Fixierungen", room installation |
2010 | Csikszereda (RO), Free Camp, drawings |
2010 | Gyergyószárhegy (RO), „36th Müvésztelep“, 2010-Kórkép, drawings |
2010 | Budapest (HU), MMG Galerie „Erdöszölö müvésztelep“, drawings |
2010 | Budapest (HU), Galerie „SWOP II“ Gruppe Fluss - Gruppe Block |
2009 | Csikszereda (RO), Free Camp, drawings |
2009 | Budapest (HU), MMG Galerie, „Erdöszölö müvésztelep“, object |
2009 | Jászberény (HU), Art Camp, „Jász-szent”, Objekt, ink drawings |
2008 | Budapest (HU), MMG Galerie, „Erdöszölö müvésztelep“, object |
2008 | Jászberény (HU), Art Camp Exhibition |
2008 | Berlin, Haus am Kleistpark, „SWOP I“, Gruppe Fluss - Gruppe Block |
2008 | Budapest (HU), MMG Galerie, „Erdöszölö müvésztelep“ |
2008 | Dresden, „110 years Künstlerhaus“, Galerie am Damm, with R. Sandner, I. Kraft, A. Garn |
2007 | Leipzig, Fraunhofer Zentrum Mittel und Osteuropa, „Bridges through art“ |
2007 | Debrecen (HU), MODEM Modern Müvészeti Galerie: A 2.Nemzetközi Müvésztelep Kiállitása |
2006 | Cleveland (USA), Gallery Zygote Press, mit Stefanie Busch Malerei/Druckgrafik |
2006 | Budapest (HU), MMG Gallery „ Erdöszölö Müvésztelep", drawings |
2005 | Szolnok (Ungarn ), "Szolnoki Müvésztelep", painting |
2005 | Budapest MMG Galeria, "Erdöszölö Müvésztelep", painting |
2005 | Budapest Gallery MAMÜ, "Erdöszölö Müvésztelep", installation |
2004 | Kresbronn Association of Art, painting, sculptures together with Volker Lenkeit and Stefan Voigt |
2004 | Budapest, Gallery MAMÜ, "Szolnoki Müvésztelep", installation |
2002 | Trier, TUFA Gallery, artists exchange Sachsen-Rheinland/Pfalz Dresden-Trier |
2001 | Berlin, hungary embassy, group BLOCK, installation |
2001 | Winsen, Art Days of Winsen Forsthaus Borstel, installation |
1999 | Dresden, Art'otel, "Summer College 99", painting |
1998 | Dresden, exhibition to "100 years House of Artists" -Arists House of Dresden, "The present time", "Quadriga", installation -Leonhardi-Museum, "The sculptors", "Two pendulums" -Museum of City Dresden, "100 years House of Artists", "fire picture"< br> -Orangerie Pillnitz, "Painting-boxed pictures" -Gallery Hieronymus, "100 years House of Artists", collages |
1998 | Dresden, Gallery Zschorn, Garden-Installation (Atemarchiv) |
1998 | Bautzen, Gallery of Association Bautzen, collages (on the occasion of the Art Price Bautzen 1998), installation |
1997 | Regensburg, Association Alte Feuerwache, Association of Regensburg Salzstadel, "SAAK", installation |
1997 | Großenhain, Garden-Project, scape metal sculpture |
1997 | Swieradow Zdrój (Polen),"Spirala 2", collages |
1997 | Hermannshof -Völksen near Hannover", Artists Day Hermannshof, Wooden-Skulptures |
1997 | Dresden, BBK "With the same time-exhibition", "reART ", installation |
1996 | Görlitz, Alter Marktplatz, "Gate installation" |
1996 | Dresden, Galerie Ränitzgasse, "Out of Residenz", installation |
1995 | Skopje, "Out of Residenz", installation |
1995 | Florenz, Art of Dresden, "Out of Residenz", installation |
1994 | Köln, IGNIS International Art Center, "DRAW A LINE", installation |
1994 | Dresden, Gallery Rähnitzgasse, "Every-Day II", installation |
1994 | Nijmegen (Holland), Multi-Media-Festival of Dresden, installation |
1994 | St. Petersburg, Muchina, Institut of Fone Arts, "Identity IV.", installation |
1994 | Budapest, Ernst-Museum, "Identity III", installation |
1994 | Brüssel, Office of Saxony, "Aspects of Saxony", installation |
1994 | Dresden, Sächsische Kunstlandschaft, "Zeitblick", Installation, ATEM-ARCHIV |
1993 | Frankfurt/M Fair if book, Gallery ARTeFACT, Fischbuch |
1993 | Hamburg, Speicherstadt, "Identity II", installation |
1993 | Dresden, PENTACON, "Closed down", installation |
1993 | Dresden, PENTACON, "Identity I", installation |
1993 | Dresden, Alte Feuerwache, installation |
1993 | Dresden, Centre of Contemporary Music , "Park of sence", installation |
1993 | Dresden, Gallery Rähnitzgasse, collage/montage association of the artists of Dresden, installation |
1993 | Arnsberg, "AXUS", installation Arnsberg-Dresden |
1992 | Hermannshof - Völksen near Hannover, "Sculptures in autumn", installation |
1992 | Dresden, Gallery Nord, "All-Tag I", ", installation and picture performance |
1991 | Bedburg, Schloß Bedburg, "Artists of Dresden introduce themself" |
1991 | Dresden, Gallery Kunst der Zeit, "Aus Dresdener Ateliers" |
1991 | Stuttgart, Gallery Bischoff, "East Germany Artists" |
1991 | Budapest, Studio of Young Art, "7 Lét", together with Zoltán Sebestyén, Imre Bukta, István Nayg Zoltán Fátyol, Tamás Kop |
1991 | Dresden, Gallery AUTOGEN, Artists of the Gallery, installation |
1990 | Schwäbisch-Gmünd, exhibition in the "Prediger-Arcade", "Young artists of Dresden" |
1990 | Fürstenwalde, "Compositions and Structures" |
1990 | Rotterdam (Holland), Concert and Conference Centre DE DOELEN, "East-West Change", Installation |
1990 | Debrecen (Ungarn), "Roof 2", together with Zoltán Sebestyén , Imre Bukta , István Nayg, Zoltán Fátyol, Andreas Küchler, Tamás Kopasz |
1989 | Hamburg,"Art of Dresden", painting |
1989 | Dresden, Regional exhibition, painting, objects |
1989 | Stettin (Polen), Biennial for painting (together with Andreas Hegewald and Jörg Sonntag), installation |
1988 | Debrecen (Ungarn), "Roof 1", together with Adilov Kabul, Zoltán Sebestyén ,Imre Bukta, Istvan Nayg, Zoltán Fátyol and György Cseszlai |
1988 | Hamburg, "Young artists of Dresden" |
1988 | Dresden, "Blaues Wunder" Installation |
1987 | Sofia, "Art of Dresden", painting |
1985 | Dresden, Albertinum, regional exhibition, painting |
1984 | Dresden, HfBK, exhibition with works for attaining a degree |
1983 | Dresden, HfBK, competition for students (1st price) |