Sándor Dóró


2017 Dresden, 21th Sommerakademie riesa efau, lecturers exhibition
2017 Jászberény, 27th „Art Camp“, Symposium, drawings
2016 St. Petersburg (RU), Repin Institut, „Corpus“, anatomical drawings
2016 Jászberény (HU), 26th „Art Camp“, Symposium „Lehetö Lehetetlen“, drawings
2015 Paks (HU), Gruppe BLOCK, „Erinnerung des Körpers“, installation
2012 Budapest (HU), MMG Galerie, „Erdöszölö müvésztelep“, acrylic works
2011 Csikszereda (RO), Free Camp, painting on paper
2011 St. Petersburg (RU), Sonderausstellung Dresdener Künstler, drawing, object
2011 Zalaegerszeg (HU), XX.GébArt, „szinek- helyszinek“, painting
2011 Budapest (HU), MMG Gallery, „Erdöszölö müvésztelep“, drawings
2010 Dresden, Neuer Sächsischer Kunstverein e.V. „Triebkräfte“, painting, room installation
2010 Dresden, Kulturverein „riesa efau“, "Von Fahnen, Farbbeuteln und Fixierungen", room installation
2010 Csikszereda (RO), Free Camp, drawings
2010 Gyergyószárhegy (RO), „36th Müvésztelep“, 2010-Kórkép, drawings
2010 Budapest (HU), MMG Galerie „Erdöszölö müvésztelep“, drawings
2010 Budapest (HU), Galerie „SWOP II“ Gruppe Fluss - Gruppe Block
2009 Csikszereda (RO), Free Camp, drawings
2009 Budapest (HU), MMG Galerie, „Erdöszölö müvésztelep“, object
2009 Jászberény (HU), Art Camp, „Jász-szent”, Objekt, ink drawings
2008 Budapest (HU), MMG Galerie, „Erdöszölö müvésztelep“, object
2008 Jászberény (HU), Art Camp Exhibition
2008 Berlin, Haus am Kleistpark, „SWOP I“, Gruppe Fluss - Gruppe Block
2008 Budapest (HU), MMG Galerie, „Erdöszölö müvésztelep“
2008 Dresden, „110 years Künstlerhaus“, Galerie am Damm, with R. Sandner, I. Kraft, A. Garn
2007 Leipzig, Fraunhofer Zentrum Mittel und Osteuropa, „Bridges through art“
2007 Debrecen (HU), MODEM Modern Müvészeti Galerie: A 2.Nemzetközi Müvésztelep Kiállitása
2006 Cleveland (USA), Gallery Zygote Press, mit Stefanie Busch Malerei/Druckgrafik
2006 Budapest (HU), MMG Gallery „ Erdöszölö Müvésztelep", drawings
2005 Szolnok (Ungarn ), "Szolnoki Müvésztelep", painting
2005 Budapest MMG Galeria, "Erdöszölö Müvésztelep", painting
2005 Budapest Gallery MAMÜ, "Erdöszölö Müvésztelep", installation
2004 Kresbronn Association of Art, painting, sculptures together with Volker Lenkeit and Stefan Voigt
2004 Budapest, Gallery MAMÜ, "Szolnoki Müvésztelep", installation
2002 Trier, TUFA Gallery, artists exchange Sachsen-Rheinland/Pfalz Dresden-Trier
2001 Berlin, hungary embassy, group BLOCK, installation
2001 Winsen, Art Days of Winsen Forsthaus Borstel, installation
1999 Dresden, Art'otel, "Summer College 99", painting
1998 Dresden, exhibition to "100 years House of Artists"
-Arists House of Dresden, "The present time", "Quadriga", installation
-Leonhardi-Museum, "The sculptors", "Two pendulums"
-Museum of City Dresden, "100 years House of Artists", "fire picture"< br> -Orangerie Pillnitz, "Painting-boxed pictures"
-Gallery Hieronymus, "100 years House of Artists", collages
1998 Dresden, Gallery Zschorn, Garden-Installation (Atemarchiv)
1998 Bautzen, Gallery of Association Bautzen, collages (on the occasion of the Art Price Bautzen 1998), installation
1997 Regensburg, Association Alte Feuerwache, Association of Regensburg Salzstadel, "SAAK", installation
1997 Großenhain, Garden-Project, scape metal sculpture
1997 Swieradow Zdrój (Polen),"Spirala 2", collages
1997 Hermannshof -Völksen near Hannover", Artists Day Hermannshof, Wooden-Skulptures
1997 Dresden, BBK "With the same time-exhibition", "reART ", installation
1996 Görlitz, Alter Marktplatz, "Gate installation"
1996 Dresden, Galerie Ränitzgasse, "Out of Residenz", installation
1995 Skopje, "Out of Residenz", installation
1995 Florenz, Art of Dresden, "Out of Residenz", installation
1994 Köln, IGNIS International Art Center, "DRAW A LINE", installation
1994 Dresden, Gallery Rähnitzgasse, "Every-Day II", installation
1994 Nijmegen (Holland), Multi-Media-Festival of Dresden, installation
1994 St. Petersburg, Muchina, Institut of Fone Arts, "Identity IV.", installation
1994 Budapest, Ernst-Museum, "Identity III", installation
1994 Brüssel, Office of Saxony, "Aspects of Saxony", installation
1994 Dresden, Sächsische Kunstlandschaft, "Zeitblick", Installation, ATEM-ARCHIV
1993 Frankfurt/M Fair if book, Gallery ARTeFACT, Fischbuch
1993 Hamburg, Speicherstadt, "Identity II", installation
1993 Dresden, PENTACON, "Closed down", installation
1993 Dresden, PENTACON, "Identity I", installation
1993 Dresden, Alte Feuerwache, installation
1993 Dresden, Centre of Contemporary Music , "Park of sence", installation
1993 Dresden, Gallery Rähnitzgasse, collage/montage association of the artists of Dresden, installation
1993 Arnsberg, "AXUS", installation Arnsberg-Dresden
1992 Hermannshof - Völksen near Hannover, "Sculptures in autumn", installation
1992 Dresden, Gallery Nord, "All-Tag I", ", installation and picture performance
1991 Bedburg, Schloß Bedburg, "Artists of Dresden introduce themself"
1991 Dresden, Gallery Kunst der Zeit, "Aus Dresdener Ateliers"
1991 Stuttgart, Gallery Bischoff, "East Germany Artists"
1991 Budapest, Studio of Young Art, "7 Lét", together with Zoltán Sebestyén, Imre Bukta, István Nayg Zoltán Fátyol, Tamás Kop
1991 Dresden, Gallery AUTOGEN, Artists of the Gallery, installation
1990 Schwäbisch-Gmünd, exhibition in the "Prediger-Arcade", "Young artists of Dresden"
1990 Fürstenwalde, "Compositions and Structures"
1990 Rotterdam (Holland), Concert and Conference Centre DE DOELEN, "East-West Change", Installation
1990 Debrecen (Ungarn), "Roof 2", together with Zoltán Sebestyén , Imre Bukta , István Nayg, Zoltán Fátyol, Andreas Küchler, Tamás Kopasz
1989 Hamburg,"Art of Dresden", painting
1989 Dresden, Regional exhibition, painting, objects
1989 Stettin (Polen), Biennial for painting (together with Andreas Hegewald and Jörg Sonntag), installation
1988 Debrecen (Ungarn), "Roof 1", together with Adilov Kabul, Zoltán Sebestyén ,Imre Bukta, Istvan Nayg, Zoltán Fátyol and György Cseszlai
1988 Hamburg, "Young artists of Dresden"
1988 Dresden, "Blaues Wunder" Installation
1987 Sofia, "Art of Dresden", painting
1985 Dresden, Albertinum, regional exhibition, painting
1984 Dresden, HfBK, exhibition with works for attaining a degree
1983 Dresden, HfBK, competition for students (1st price)