2011 |
Dresden, Stadtarchiv Galerie, painting, drawing |
2010 |
Szolnok, Müvésztelep Galerie, painting, drawing |
2007 |
Budapest, MMG Galerie "Megnézzük magunknak", painting |
2006 |
Möhnesee-Delecke, "Art-Pieces of Drüggelt", paintings, sculptures |
2005 |
Dresden, Gallery Regierungspräsidium, Gallery of the Seat of Government, painting, sculptures |
2004 |
Budapest, Gallery DUNA, painting and plastics |
2003 |
Freital, Einnehmerhaus, Association of Arts, art works on paper |
2003 |
Solingen, Gallery Presse, painting on paper |
2002 |
Köln, by Karl-Heinz Schültke, painting on paper |
2002 |
Debrecen(Ungarn), Mü-terem Galéria "objektek és papirképek", performance |
2002 |
Dresden, Gallery Am Blauer Wunder, painting on paper, objects |
2001 |
Budapest, MAMÜ Gallery, paintingon paper, objects, performance |
2001 |
Görlitz, Gallery Klingel, "EUROPOSITION", painting on paper, performance (together with Zoltán Fátyol) |
1999 |
Dresden, Leonhardi-Museum,"TRANSFINIT", painting, drawing und collages, performance |
1999 |
Bautzen, Gallery of the Bautzener Association of Arts (together with Frank Herrmann), installations, drawings |
1998 |
Schwenden (Schweiz), "Centering", land-art |
1998 |
Dresden, Gallery am Damm, "Fifty-ytfiF"(together with Volker Lenkeit), painting-wall-installation |
1997 |
Dresden, Gallery "Art and time", "Coordinates", re-installation |
1997 |
Frankfurt/Oder, Gallery "B" (together with Péter Herendi and János Eiffert), small sculpture |
1996 |
Dresden, Gallery Mitte, painting and installation |
1995 |
Görlitz, Gallery Klinger, "IN OVO", painting and sculpture |
1995 |
Dresden, "Gallery am Damm", painting and sculpture |
1994 |
Berlin, Gallery Sophien Edition (together with Veit Hofmann), objects und installations |
1993 |
Köln, Gallery Schültke, painting |
1993 |
Dresden, Alte Feuerwache, installation |
1993 |
Berlin, Gallery "M" (together with Veit Hofmann), objects and installations |
1991 |
Dresden, Gallery AUTOGEN, paintings and objects |
1990 |
Arnsberg, Gallery BOGEN, box pictures and objects |
1990 |
Budapest, Gallery DUNA "without titel", Installation (together with Andreas Hegewald and Jörg Sonntag) |
1989 |
Dresden, Academy of Fine Arts Dresden, paintings and objects |
1989 |
Arnsberg, House of culture, paintings, drawings and objects |
1988 |
Gyöngyös (Ungarn), City-Gallery, paintings and drawings |
1986 |
Lobenstein, City-Gallery (together with Siegfried Appelt) |
1986 |
Dresden, House of culture "August Bebel", paintings and drawings |